performance (in person)


In a world where we eat panic for breakfast, are under constant surveillance from each other and ourselves, and are being fed the next wellness craze direct to our pockets, who really decides who is “normal”, and who is “mad”?

Perception is everything, but who’s perception do we listen to in times of crisis?

Hysteria is a brand new work of contemporary circus by the internationally renowned Chelsea McGuffin & Co that walks the fine line between emotional excess, and dictations of ‘normality’.

Hysteria asks do we really have power over our lives, or is it an illusion? A visual spectacle set against a transformative and meditative score created by Jackie Marshall, featuring real-life experiences of women who have been hospitalised for the perception of their mental wellness, Hysteria immerses your senses in an unrivalled large-scale outdoor performance spectacle that transforms the unconventional into a new performance world.

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