Visual Artist
Te Kahuwhero Alexander-Tu'inukuafe
Ko Whakataha te maunga.
Ko Waitangi te awa.
Ko Tauwhara te marae.
Ko Mataatua te waka.
Ko Ngai Tawake ki te tuawhenua, Ngati Rehia me Te Whiu nga hapu.
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi.
I am an artist from Te Tai Tokerau, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and I am of Maori (Ngapuhi), Tongan and Pakeha descent. After graduating with a Master of Architecture (Professional) from The University of Auckland in 2014, I have been working as a librarian in Aotearoa and Melbourne, Australia. I have recently returned home to Te Tai Tokerau to spend time reconnecting with the whenua (land), my whanau (family) and art. My artwork is inspired by visiting places in Te Tai Tokerau, including our maunga (mountains), awa (rivers) and moana (sea). Currently, I am working on a series which explores drawing sections through the maunga of Ngapuhi. I will be returning to Melbourne in early 2022 to continue developing my art practice and work as a librarian.