Edwin Daughtry

TV or Filmmaker

Edwin Daughtry

Edwin Daughtry


I come to photography via the lens of a video camera, a super8 camera, a 16mm camera a digital video camera.

There has always been story. There has always been a lens.

I studied Communications at the University of South Australia during the nineties but spent most of my degree in an editing suite at Flinders University.

As part of my practice I have taught film making and editing in both formal and informal settings, quite often in hybrid projects where teaching and the production of videos is intertwined. This has kept the wolf from the door but has also informed my practice, it has made me less prescriptive in how things should be done, how industry does things. For me, doing it is more important than how it should be done, whatever it is, producing, capturing, creating. It’s time to ignore the wolf and do some doing.

Edwin Daughtry

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Edwin Daughtry