ArtKind Community

Arts Organisation

ArtKind Community

ArtKind Community


ArtKind’s vision is to be a one-stop-shop LGBTQIA+ community service specialising in art and mental health.

ArtKind’s mission is to combat loneliness within the LGBTQIA+ community in Victoria.

ArtKind is co-facilitated by two talented LGBTQIA+ artists: Stephanie Liew (they/them) and Georgia Willmott (they/them), who combined specialise in ceramics, illustration, graphic design, film, textiles, painting, drawing, and digital art.

On Sundays and Mondays, participants work on their creative projects, hang out or join in on workshops like the successful boardgames day and greyhound life drawing.

ArtKind applies a sensory-aware, home-away-from-home feel by providing tea, snacks, and blankets.

Participants pay as they feel with a recommended price of $10 per hour, except LGBTQIA+ BIPOC, who can come in for free!

On Saturdays, workshops are held by Kaitlyn Einam (they/them), a queer, non-binary, and neuro-divergent sex therapist who supports people exploring their LGBTQIA+ identity. Also, Bob Mason (they/them), who started as a participant at ArtKind, now runs creative workshops on Saturdays. They rent out the space for their workshops.

ArtKind also connects with Many Coloured Sky – an LGBTQIA+ refugee and asylum seeker organisation. Steph, who is an asylum seeker, engages with this community and brings them into the space to make art and learn about the LGBTQIA+ community in Australia and teach them English.

ArtKind Community

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“They [Georgia and Steph] consider gender expression, disability, neurodivergence and sensory safety, ethnicity and cultural background, trauma and probably many other things that I haven't even realised.”

ArtKind Community